Wonderful events

Appearance Eisenhower and message concerning extraterrestrials
On the night of November 1-2, Robbert felt a presence and got the name 'Eisenhower' in his head. Robbert felt his loving presence, and that Eisenhower wanted to share a message. Eisenhower was once president of the United States. Robbert felt the urge to take photos, and when reviewing he saw a fog-like substance slowly build itself up to an image of Eisenhower.

Encounter with extraterrestrials and left-behind body parts.
On the night of June 26-27, not long before Robbert's encounter later that night, he and Roy made a visit to the crop circle formation in Zevenbergen. As they were walking into the formation, Robbert felt a presence, but before he could mention it, Roy told him that he felt they were being watched.

Appearance Natalee Holloway recorded on video and an interview with Robbert
Appearance Natalee Holloway recorded on video and an interview with Robbert in which he speaks about the event.

Filmmaker Dan Drasin proves the authenticity of Robbert's paranormal photography in a conclusive photo-experiment.
Filmmaker Dan Drasin recently examined Robbert's paranormal photography under evidential conditions (to exclude trickery) for his documentary. Robbert performed under these conditions.

Photo experiment, appearance (on photo) of Neil Armstrong and Karla Turner, and a revelation/ message.

Photo experiment, appearance (on photo) of Neil Armstrong and Karla Turner, and a revelation/ message.
On the night between February 24-25, Robbert spontaneously felt the energy of Neil Armstrong. Simultaneously, he felt the urge to take photos as well.
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Scientific evidence concerning the origin of (Robbert's) crop circles.
In 1999, Eltjo Haselhoff (PHD in physics) investigated a crop circle in Hoeven, behind the house of Robbert van den Broeke. The findings have been peer reviewed and published in a scientific journal. (Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol.28, no.1, 2014)

Borrowed images
After the angel picture was shown several times to the public and also to the people of ‘Crop Circle Study Group Netherlands’, Bert Janssen did an extraordinary discovery that led to the expression: “borrowed images”. He received an email one day, from someone who had attached an image next to her name. Bert recognized the image immediately: it was the angel that had appeared earlier in a photo taken by Robbert with the camera of Roy Boschman! (Click here to view them all) According to quantum physics, there is something like the Quantum field, simply called the Field. Thanks to the books of science journalist Lynne MacTaggert, this concept is very well known. According to quantum physics, the Field contains all …

Good Friday message and appearances on photo
On the night of April 3-4 Robbert felt, as always around Good Friday, how the Divine entered the space, filling the room with a sacred presence. He also felt the energy of Christ. Robbert immediately felt encouraged to take photos. In the first picture a snake appeared, in the second, a snake with a robin on its head. Then a lion appeared, followed by a lion with a lamb at its side. After that a wonderful cross of light appeared on photo.

Appearance and message of Padre Pio
On the night of January 26-27 Robbert felt the loving presence of Saint Padre Pio. Then Robbert immediately felt his forehead burning. He went to the mirror to see a cross 'engraved' on his forehead, as has happened before, and instantly took pictures of it. After that he again took several photos of his face and in these [an image of] Padre Pio appeared (covering Robbert's face).

Appearance of Adolf Eichmann
On the night of January 23-24 Robbert felt the presence of Adolf Eichmann. Robbert felt himself surrounded by old energies from the 2nd World War, while clearly seeing before him the face of Adolf Eichmann who was executed in 1962.
Vorige Blz

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Signs and symbols on Robbert
27 Feb 2013 | 5253 x Viewed

Photo experiment, appearance (on photo) of Neil Armstrong and Karla Turner, and a revelation/ message.
12 Mar 2014 | 5060 x Viewed

Appearance of an abnormality in a photo, with striking message.
24 Aug 2013 | 4119 x Viewed

Apparition of Christopher Hitchens and Edgar Cayce, with message.
21 Jul 2014 | 2787 x Viewed

An appearance and message from Princess Diana, with a beautiful sign.
23 Oct 2015 | 2639 x Viewed

A message from Sai Baba
23 Mar 2013 | 2638 x Viewed